Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Book Review: Sanctuary by Nora Roberts

This story is very similar to another fiction that I read years ago, the title of which is "Dead Sleep".  The latter book was extremely impressive to me when I was reading it because what the heroine saw was so terrifying and so mysterious that I thought it was a great eerie idea for a story to begin. Unlike Nora Roberts' book, "Dead Sleep" however doesn't have much romance in it and it is mainly a suspense mystery.  Now fast forward years later when I was reading Nora Robert's "Sanctuary", I was not as excited. It's not because the story was not interesting, it was mainly because the mystery had no shock value to me anymore after I had read something similar and more suspenseful.  I realize  that Nora Roberts' "Sanctuary" was published years before "Dead Sleep" was written.  I probably would have loved "Sanctuary" a lot more if only I hadn't read "Dead Sleep" before.  I'm not sure why, I was beginning to feel bored by Nora Roberts' same old sex scenes and love making pages.  I was so bored that it took me a few months to finish reading the book.  This had never happened to me before when I was reading other Nora Roberts' books.  Despite having the similar eerie idea of a mystery, I feel Nora Robert's version is a lot toned down in the suspense department.  May be because it's a story where romance is the main dish and suspense is only the side dish. I felt that there were too many pages dedicated to tedious girl chats, and the same sex dynamics that had been used many times already in Nora's other books. Yet there was not enough adrenaline draining adventures for the characters; in terms of their journey of falling in love and finding out the real murderer.  May be I'm just growing out of Nora Roberts' style of romance?  I'm sure I would have loved this book very much  if it were the first Nora Roberts book I read.  It's a decent read although it didn't amuse me as much as I was expecting to be amused.

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