Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Final Theory: by Mark Alpert

I picked up this book at a sale because the cover design with a 3D graphics of a running man was very interesting to me. This book does have a good title and a good teaser on the cover to entice an implusive purchase. I was never quite interested in science but no matter how I have tried to avoid the subject all my life, Einstein and his brilliant discovery of the law of relativity are just too big a legend that even a science dummy like me can't be completely oblivious about it.

The title itself is quite powerful in selling the book, afterall, I was very curious about what Einstein's final thoery was all about when the backcover mentioned that the story was based on real physics... Anyway, I started reading the book since June 2009, and I only finnished it now. So whether this book is as fast paced and astonishing as the cover describes, you tell me....

May be my lack of background and interest in science makes me unable to appreciate this novel. To me, the is just another lame story with a big title that took advantage of Einstein's fame to make an easy profit. The story is nothing innovating despite the fact that it borrowed Einstein's unfinnished Unified Field Theory hoping to build a clever plot. I said "hoping" because the plot of the story is anything but clever. The story is a typical running, hiding and chasing ritual that too many novels, TV shows and movies had already employed in their thrillers. What a bore. This story is about some professor who holds the key to uncover the secrets and applications of Estien's Unified Field Theory that will bring major destruction to the world, thus becoming target of the government and the villains who want to get a hold of this powerful science. The chasing and running really starts from the very beginning of the story.... and it keeps on forever... and this is why I never was able to read it for too long without walking away....It has been painful for me cause I have this habit of never abandoning a book. Everytime when I returned to continue the story, the characters were still running and were still being chased....

As far as the "real physics" go, I really don't understand how the author wants the Unfield Field Theory to work in terms of destorying the world. The author tried to elaborate his imagination of such an application with diagrams and tossing in lots of physics terms like, the protons, neutrons, accelerator....etc. etc... I still couldn't picture how it would work. To me, it would be just another WMD that isn't too new or innovative, I just pictured it as a nuclear explosion that happens out of thin air without any bomb dropping. I just wish the weapon and application could be more exciting and shocking to me...

The book does have a twist or two but these twists aren't exciting enough to compensate for the same uninspiring copycat plots that have been used by so many other movies and TV shows in the thriller or adventure genre. So all these months, I have been reading about a guy running away because he got access to an extremely powerful and dangerous weapon, and during the course, there were lots of gunfires, kicking, hitting, fighting, falling, bleeding, etc., etc.. In the end everybody will be okay and the world will stay fine. As unimpressed as I am, I have to say the book makes me want to read more science books on "real physics", cause I'm sure the real physics will be so much more exciting and interesting than this lame novel. This is one story I don't think anyone should waste time reading, cause all of us have just seen too many of the same stories, just this time, the guy is having access to Einstein's final theory instead of a treasure buried underneath Egypt....

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